Promethease is a literature retrieval system that builds a personal DNA report based on connecting a file of DNA genotypes to the scientific findings cited in SNPedia. Posted by 6 years ago. Promethease is unable to support FASTQ, but DNADTC also provides VCF files which Promethease understands. Each of these sections can be expanded or contracted. 2) Upload your promethease. Do not ‘unzip’ the file. 3 comments. Click on. 5), respectively, and were 5. 1. What is DNA Raw Data? Your ancestry DNA raw data is a lab generated text file. Understanding Promethease Report - The good. Reply. I found the SNP rs460897(A;A) in my Promethease report. Each of these sections can be expanded or contracted. 1. 8 comments. Recently purchased a promethease report, and was surprised to find that a significant gene mutation was not included anywhere in the report. Are there any filters to apply to make the data more concrete or easier to interpret. Promethease Report Version: 0. Thank you so much. 1. Variations in the region have been extensively investigated in connection with neuropsychiatric disorders. Repute (ie Good vs Bad) is the absolute simplest classification of the data. It contains information on thousands of SNPs, but you can filter it to find the ones that you’re most interested in. Upon regeneration, the sidebar for medicines was gone and so. 0 0. 1 to 93. Privacy policy. Atrial. Yes, agreed. 3. Promethease Report Version: 0. said he thought I had it years ago but rheumatologist disagreed. Once you organize the pages as per your unique needs it becomes a relatively easy task to. but I am of Asian ethnicity with no European traces. View Spotlight Promethease Report_210805. Search within r/promethease. This page was last edited on 7 January 2015, at 05:03. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsPromethease Report Version: 0. All the high magnitude SNPs seem to be poor repute, anyone has any that’s good? Advertisement Coins. Press J to jump to the feed. 1. Here’s how to delete what you can: Go to My Profile on MyHerittge, and you’ll see your DNA “kit” (which represents your raw data file). Is there any way to filter out the likely miscalls? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts from r/promethease subscribers . zip Reference Population JPTPromethease Report Version: 0. 341T>C, p. most of the lower ones just say 'Mag=0 Repute=Good Summary=Normal' If you were to pick a narrow collection like 'just breast cancer ones', it would be useful to see all of the normals. How to read your Promethease report? To read your Promethease review report you will need to ensure that you are accustomed to some of the terms that are found in their reportMyHeritage is still operated as a private company with headquarters in Israel. Need a full 8h of sleep. 166 Generated: 2019-02-09 11:14 Infile: C:Usersskim. I learned that you need to consider magnitude, frequency, and other variables to really consider that SNP. About SNPediaMTHFR rs1801131 (C) or MTHFR A1298C is a mutation in the folate pathway, specifically in the enzyme involved in converting 5-methylfolate (5MTHF) to tetrahydrofolate (THF). For both, the magnitude is 2 and "very slightly increased breast cancer risk" and "independently minor, but cumulatively significant". The "Summary" component of the. Sep 15, 2015With Good repute = 5817. You have 2 copies of the rare allele. Coins 0 coins Premium Powerups Talk Explore. Recently purchased a promethease report, and was surprised to find that a significant gene mutation was not included anywhere. zip file into your Sequencing. Promethease Report Version: 0. I have many other "bad repute" SNPs that are strongly correlated with actual symptoms. Did you also look at the variants that have "good" repute and multiply those? Or did you just look at the "bad" repute. Each of these sections can be expanded or contracted. On my main page, it shows mostly the "bad repute" items and most of them are a bit concerning. It is more of an educational tool than a health driven tool. 3. Also, with magnitudes from 2-4, as compared to this 5. hide. zip Reference Population JPT 24482 genotypes annotated. 5% frequencyI've done 23&me and uploaded my raw data into Promethease and got the basic report. Grey background is "unknown repute". This is found in ~20% of people. If the downloaded copy is different, you haven't properly unzipped it. I remember having received a notification email back in 2919 from promethease saying that since they were acquired by myHeritage we could have our data transferred to my heritage (if opting in). 5 and bad repute, which was initially confusing because I couldn't figure out which studies were relevant to my genotype. Would it be worth it for me to study the "good" reputes in the Alzheimer's category, to see if they in any way might mitigate the bad of APOE4?Promethease-->myHeritage. On the dbSNP article, it shows the T allele (A in SNPedia) has a frequency of 0 for the entire reference population. The minor rs121912441 (C) allele is considered an autosomal dominant mutation leading to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis according to two. Is there someone who can hold my hand through the process? I know there are professional genetic counselors, but they. 166 Generated: 2019-02-13 02:41 Infile: E:chi11health23andMegenome_Grace_v5_Full_20190212065112. report. Press J to jump to the feed. About SNPedia1) Download your Promethease results from promethease. com, FamilyTreeDNA, Genos, etc. 166 Generated: 2019-02-06 07:23 Infile: E:chi11health23andMegenome_Justin_v5_Full_20190124152954. It’s also important to note with both Promethease and 23andme health reports, having a genetic predisposition for a. [ PMID 18756523] [PMID 31878098]. zip Reference Population CEU 19642 genotypes annotatedVisit our Help Center to get instant answers for most frequently asked questions. You can also filter your report to only show Clinvar pathogenic & likely pathogenics by clicking the "Clinvar. Promethease is a low-cost DNA analysis service that creates a report using the raw data you get from a genetic testing company. However, I then clicked on the link to 23andme's raw data and it says my genotype for that marker is G/G!On Promethease reports that usually works out to between 16 and 20 thousand SNPs. level 2. The downside is it is a lot of data, and that data can take time to dig through. Promethease report . com and generate a Clinical VCF using the Eve Premium app, the resulting promethease report will have in the range of 60 to 90 thousand SNPs. 3x risk for whatever), but I'd like to see those "bad" things, so I can review those more quickly. E1 is the 'missing ApoE allele'. (blank) No one has yet assigned a magnitude. The research concludes that 1 copy of the rare allele allows you to function on 6 hours sleep, instead of 8. The Simplified Promethease report has information from your Promethease report organized in the following topics. cause for concern. Coins 0 coins Premium Powerups Talk Explore. 3 easy ways to sort your filtered report. 4% Frequency. 8 (CI: 5. Biomedical. rs6983267 is a SNP on chromosome 8q24, associated with increased risk for several cancers, particularly prostate cancer. r/promethease. [GWAS:Celiac disease] more info Good Repute”. Though there are other genes that have also been associated with increased or decreased risk, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are the most commonly recognized genes that can impact breast cancer risk. Promethease reports are provided in . 164 Generated: 2015-12-01 06:59 Infile: created my Promethease account and exported my 23andme data. Click “manage” and then you can delete the kit. However, when I searched SNP rs121912617 in 23&Me's raw data tool it said my genotype was G/G (variants C or G). 4% Frequency 1. MyHeritage offered Promethease free of charge through the end of 2019 and continues to maintain SNPedia as a free resource for academic and non-profit users. Members. com would like to hear from you, to know if having 2. 164 Generated: 2016-01-06 23:52 Infile:. Some of the details of the items say it occurs in people of "European descent" etc. rs13385731 (cc), frequency 0, gene rasgrp3, 0% in red. Just ran my 23andme data through Promethease, and I'm having a really hard time figuring out whether I should be concerned about the following "Bad" repute which is high up on my list. save. 163 Generated: 2015-09-09 22:53 Infile: CN_S1. This page was last edited on 7 May 2019, at 01:26. snpedia • 5 yr. Promethease Report Version: 0. How many bad repute trades does one in general have on Promethease when using 23andme data? I know this is different from person to person, but I had a staggering number of 365, which sadly seems excessive, but at least nothing is above 3. Promethease shows my results as rs16942(G;G) and rs1799966(G;G) for BRCA1 variants. 7 - 19. With these setting, I only have 16 reports (or genos, as Promethease refers to it) — 12 “bad,” 2 “good,” and 2 “not set. Created Feb 28, 2015. Tomohiro Takano. ClinVar 'sidebox' for the SNP (rs) page in SNPedia will say Significance=Pathogenic, which is also reflected in your Promethease report, via the "Clinvar Significance" line for each genotype. · 3 yr. Report Save Follow. You pay promethease a little bit of money and they generate a report based on information in SNPedia. Just because you have a certain variant of a certain gene that is linked (keyword: linked) to a certain disease does not mean you will get said disease. 166 Generated: 2016-12-15 00:43 Infile: report. hide. Companies like 23andMe or AncestryDNA. How accurate would you say Promethease is as a. com, 23andMe, FamilyTreeDNA, Genos, Complete Genomics, WeGene,. Promethease gave a result of rs121912617 (C;C) normal, needing 8 hours of sleep. These are easy to filter for in a Promethease report (by just clicking off repute/good and repute/bad, clicking the ClinVar icon, and then either sorting by frequency and heterozygosity and/or also by gene, topic, medical condition or any of the other parameters). Now that we’ve looked at the current situation, let’s go back to the. This is not true and just because you have red (bad) SNPs come up does not make them adequate for diagnosis (for many times). But I am confused about whether to ckeck the 'all' box or the 'ClinVar' box. share. Promethease has reported a rs121912441 (T;T) with repute "good" but the text says "rs121912441, also known as c. eu as my highest magnitude allele of bad repute. (note: rs1127354 supersedes rs41320251) abolishes ITPA activity in homozygous individuals and reduces the activity to 25% in. Sports. Promethease Report Version: 0. 6. Which indicates that your promethease report has 6 snps which are linked to Thyroid cancer, 1 snp related to Torsion dystonia etc. ago. Privacy policy. more info Bad Repute 4. 1. reliable. About SNPediaTerminology []. 0. 5. 21. 1. There are a couple of different options for navigating your Promethease report to find your BRCA mutations: 1. 4 Magnitude 2019-01-02 Geno Modified 0. Privacy policy. What should I look for in Promethease? Repute: whether your genotype is “good” or “bad” for you. Is this normal or high? Kinda overwhelming at first seeing the "bad" etc. Summary. com to analyze all 600,000 or-so SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) measured by your DNA testing company. well-studied. 9 (CI: 4. Log In Sign Up. The fact of the matter is that E2, E3, and E4 make up over 95% of ApoE genotypes, and it is highly, highly unlikely that someone would carry the E1. zip Reference Population CHB 24442 genotypes annotPromethease Report Version: 0. Far more subtle and hard to summarize is the textual changes. Hi - I just uploaded my 23andme results to Promethease and have more or less learned to navigate my way around. I have a BRCA test and mammogram concerning a lump next week. Nothing is contradicting anything here, you can of course have a certain variant of a gene that is linked to one condition and then a certain variant of a gene that is linked to lower. Complex" in my report, with a magnitude of 2. The summaries and text need to be concise, and it is good to put a. kmg71580 • 5 yr. I am EXTREMELY stacked towards schizophrenia, bipolar, and various forms of cancer. Ile114Thr and I114T, represents a rare mutation in the SOD1 gene on chromosome 21. , bad. If you used promethease before then you do not yet have an account. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. The mutation that popped up is for Mitochondrial disease Leigh Syndrome- m12706 t>c, rs267606893 popped up, but as a "ancestry miscall in all likelihood". Yes, that's = to rs80359392. Simply upload the zip file obtained from Promethease. A study of ~500 Japanese prostate cancer patients found that individuals with a rs2011077(G;G) genotype had a 6. So I put my results from 23andme into Promethease and they were not pleasant. Then when I clicked on Promethease SNPedia's page for rs121912617 I saw the magnitude 0. The results will be downloaded to your computer in a zip file called promethease. You can broadly classifyPromethease Report Version: 0. save. com. report. me”. I panicked!Promethease shows the data provided by you that overlaps with SNPedia, including showing you the normal forms when they are present. The ability of this genoset to rule out going bald is reportedly high (in other words, if you are not positive for gs122, odds are good you will not go bald), but it. A place for discussing Promethease, a report about your DNA based on the scientific literature cited in. Magnitude of 0, bad repute, frequency not listed. What should I do?. 164 Generated: 2015-12-01 07:06 Infile: Reference Population YRI.